Friday, November 23, 2007

Back on Track

There we go. I know the ATL is horrible, but so is KC and we only eeked by them. Starting out 10-0 made me super nervous, especially since my cousin, his wife (both naptowners) and Fro had to watch the game in a sports bar, thanks to the stupid NFL Network. What a ridiculous idea to have one of the Thanksgiving games be on a channel that is basically pay-per-view, thus forcing many fans to bars that shouldn't be open to enjoy the game. I really think the NFL needs to rethink this whole system which is obviously just a money grab. The only redeeming quality of having to watch it in a bar is that I couldn't hear "Gumble 2 Gumble's" annoying voice. So Peyton looked a little more like Peyton and Gonzales looked fantastic and we finally won a game, against an inferior team, handily. What i really wanted to give thanks for yesterday was our defense. These guys are out of control; flying around without regard for their own health or well being. I love it. Having Kieaho back and healthy sure helps. And that hit by Bethea, ouch!! We just need to keep takin' care of business and get healthy along the way. Then the effing Pats and the rest of the NFL should take note and be nervous, because no matter what we are the defending champs no matter what, until someone beats us in January. BRRS.

the Dude


Unknown said...

Go Horse!

Kate said...

Can we gripe about the NFL network and the Big 10 network? I can *just barely* get along with the idea of the NFL network, seeing as how the NFL is in fact a corporation whose goal, at the end of the day, is to make money - like every other corporation in the world. As much as I hate the idea of having to pay extra money to see games or go to a bar, the NFL exists to make money. The Big Ten, however, is " association of 11 world-class universities whose member institutions share a common mission of research, graduate, professional and undergraduate teaching and public service. Intercollegiate athletics has an important place within the mission.

Founded in 1896, the Big Ten has sustained a comprehensive set of shared practices and policies that enforce the priority of academics in student-athletes' lives and emphasize the values of integrity, fairness and competitiveness. Big Ten universities provide approximately $94 million in direct financial aid to more than 8,400 men and women student-athletes who compete for 25 championships, 12 for men and 13 for women. Conference institutions sponsor broad-based athletic programs with more than 270 teams." ( I'm unable to find a mission statement on the Big Ten's website - someone let me know if it's there. And Although I'm finding it difficult to find on the universities' websites, the schools in the Big Ten are I believe educational non-profits, receiving state funding and governed by a board of trustees. Why, then, are they putting forth a Big Ten network in an attempt to get even more money at the risk of offending and alienating viewers both local and far away? Most income at a profit generated by NPOs must be returned to the organization, so if this is an attempt to make even more money for an already wealthy organization - so be it. If the money is returned for scholarships or other support - all right, then. Nonetheless, it smacks of commercialism and greed - and as we've found out, it looks like only Comcast is greedier than the Big Ten.